Gangen twine, a more stiffer twine than regular braid or paracord. Holds a knot and doesn't go limp. Great for camping, fishing, dog sleds, tie up lines, and much more.
Manufactured in Everson, WA by Everson Cordage. Constructed of a polyester core with a nylon braided cover.
Sold in 1 lb. spools.
Available in white, red, blue, green and black (#42 & #48 white only).
Breaking Strength:
#42 - 200 lbs.
#48 - 400 lbs.
#60 - 520 lbs.
#72 - 670 lbs.
#84 - 800 lbs.
Yield (per 1 lb.)
#42 - 540 ft
#48 - 380 ft
#60 - 290 ft
#72 - 210 ft
#84 - 180 ft